Quick Takes


What is your biggest compliance challenge right now?

Implementing the right training and coaching to distributors whether it’s someone newer or a seasoned distributor is challenging but key. Newer distributors make up most violations we see, it makes training and educating their generation early on important. On the other end of the spectrum, we have our seasoned distributors

collage of business women

What successful strategies are you seeing your field implement this year?

The direct sales industry was built on the foundation of the work-from-home mindset.  With social distancing standing its ground as the new national norm, consumers are increasingly resistant to traditional retail shopping, thereby creating a greater demand for direct selling-based products. We’re seeing our field succeed by offering them advantages

Collage of business men

What is the most important legal or regulatory issue facing the direct selling channel this year?

U.S. MLM companies face new regulatory uncertainty in 2022. The FTC has adopted a new enforcement strategy utilizing its Penalty Enforcement Authority to target MLM companies. In October 2021, the FTC sent “notice of penalty offense” letters to hundreds of companies. These letters rely on old FTC determinations of what

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